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Ezio Sackboy is all kinds of cute



Easily the best piece of content in this week’s Playstation Store update is this brilliant costume. Capitalising on the release of Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed 2, players of Little Big Planet can now dress their Sackboys up in Ezio’s hooded garb.

Hit the jump for some more “aww!” inducing pictures and a price.

The Ezio Sackboy is available for $1.99/£1.59, a pretty reasonable price for the best costume yet released.

Look carefully at the image below, further proof that LBP is simply fantastic? I’d say so.

source: Kotaku.com

Moody face + carboard blades = Awesomesauce

Moody face + carboard blades = Awesomesauce


The only assassin to make you say "aww so cute!" before you die

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